"During the rehabilitation sessions, Muhammad kept saying, I’am strong, and I can do it"
Child Rehabilitation Centre
Comprehensive services and high quality
Muhammad was born in good health and did not complain of any disorders or health problems, but at the age of two years and seven months he was infected with a virus that resulted in him being diagnosed with "Guilian-Barre Syndrome," which severely affected his limbs and ability to move, as Muhammad was no longer able to walk or stand up. His mother says Muhammad was fortunate that the diagnosis was made early and he was immediately referred to the Basma Centre to receive comprehensive rehabilitation services.
Muhammad completed his second admission to the Basma Centre. His mother says he regained his ability to stand and walk through comprehensive and intensive rehabilitation services, during which he benefited from a package of services including Occupational Therapy, Physiotherapy, Speech and Language Therapy, Hydrotherapy and Sensory Therapy. Following these sessions, and thanks to an integrated and unified treatment plan, Muhammad regained his health.
His mother added that because of the treatment, Muhammad's social skills and communication skills improved, in addition to his behavior and ability to integrate into groups through the group therapy sessions, while the Hydrotherapy helped strengthen his muscles and improved his balance when standing. She added that the Occupational Therapy sessions enhanced the functions of his fine motors in his fingers. While the Speech and Language Therapy sessions mainly contributed to the development of Muhammad's linguistic skills as he is now able to form a complete sentence in addition to developing listening, comprehension and communication skills.
Muhammad's mother confirmed that the services provided were holistic and of high quality, pointing to the Centre's adherence to the general environment and cleanliness, as well as the quality of services provided during the mother and child's stay at the Children's Rehabilitation Centre and residence, including the food and its high quality.
Parallel to the mother's feelings, Mohammed felt gratitude, relief, and improvement as he kept saying during the rehabilitation sessions, "I am strong, and I can do it."