Treatment for students at our inclusive school

Ibrahim has just celebrated scoring 94.5% in his end-of-year exams at the Princess Basma Inclusive School. He is an excellent student- "شاطر", shatter they say in Arabic, sociable, polite, and fiercely independent. His mother likes to hear this because she reports that at home he is a typical child, sometimes mischievous and always wanting to play outside with his friends. Now that he can walk up and down the stairs on his own, he often calls his friends to come and get his wheelchair so that he can join them in the backyard.

Ibrahim has a congenital condition that has affected the movement of his arms and legs. In his first two years at the Princess Basma School, he was enrolled in a specialized program for children with physical disabilities and he is now fully integrated within the school. He continues to benefit from services at the Child Rehabilitation Centre, the medical care, occupational therapy, physiotherapy, transportation, and support from a family social worker. He has grown in confidence and independence. His mother, once struggling now says she is dedicated to supporting her son to become accepted within Palestinian society. She is a wonderful advocate and urges parents everywhere to work towards the inclusion of all children with disabilities. Accepted within Palestinian society.

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